The Shopping PortalCanadian Internet Mall
A complete mall catering to Canadians, including the amazing Canadian Personal Home Page Directory, where you can list your home pages and email addresses for the world to see!
Beach City Web Mall
Thousands of products, services, freebies & resourcesBusinessLINK Information Center Mall
A Mall full of News & Links to Community, LINK-4-Kids, Education, Science & Technology, Government, Non-profit Organizations and other Interesting Links.
A Complete Internet Shopping Mall
Gifts, Golf, Games, and GOOD FUN !!Minnesota Megamall
Where Minnesota Shops..the InternetVirtual Superstore!
Make money 24hrs a dayTrade Mark Collectibles Mall
Specializing in Trade Mark Collectibles and memorabiliaWindow Shopper Internet Mall
layaway program......and much, much moreMovies with ddash
Movie Reviews, quick and to the pointBusiness By Barnick
Business, Opportunity, People, Free, Reference, InformationHokomaha
The Maori Shopping Site on the Net!Shop Crescent
Save time and money by shopping online.LexaVision Enterprises
Total Comfort Sleep SystemOne Stop Mall Shop
Shop Departments Stores You Know and Trust!DELVAL MALL
Delval Mall has it ALL! The fastest growing mall on the internet!American Exotic Shopping Mall
Save 20 to 80 percent on ostrich emu rhea alligator productsVirtually Shopping
Over 120 nationwide retailers in one virtual mall!Classification System - NAICS Manual
NAICS is the first-ever N.A. industry classification systemOnline Mall Of Texas
Antiques/Collectibles/Christian Bookstore/Gift Shop and moreU.S.AgMall
Worldwide agricultural advertisingAmerican Shopping Mall
The American Shopping Mall offers unique products and services to the internet. Come on in and see our ever growing mall. Your welcome to use our free Personal ad's and Business Cards. Come over and see what's going on today!
HyperText Mall
The HyperText Park
The Island Net On-line Mall
The Members' Mall
WorldWide Marketplace
Travel, training & retail outlets.
The MegaMall
The award-winning HOTSPOT for Internet shopping!
World Exchange Mall
The finest in Net shopping, contests, news and travel.David Enterprises Apparel On-Line Department Store
Fashions-Web Mastering-Business OpportunitiesMiniMall
The Coolest Mall on the Web! A fun marketplace with unique and hard-to-find products.BizCafe Mall
FREE Graphics & On-going contests & Grand Prizes!WWW Shopping Directory & Mall
where the world shopsTAJIRI MallPlex
A complex on shops and kiosksGold Coast Mall
Florida's Shopping and Information MallInterCity Electronic Cybermall
Dynamic new mall, many categories, plus user resources!PC-1000 Page Page Creations
YourPageSouthwest Discount Mall
Unique products with a Southwestern theme.Artful Expressions of Hawaii
Artful Expressions features products and services of HawaiiAlamocity Mall
Remember the Alamo, alamocity.comSimply Country Crafters Showcase
New crafters and handcrafted items added regularly.Mega International
Manufacturing In MexicoAbove & Beyond
The Tall & All MallAvalon Virtual Mall
Food, beverages, apparel, entertainmentHandmade
Fine Arts, Crafts, & Wholesome FoodsInternet Mega Mall
Products and Services for both Personal and Business needsV-Mall
Your one stop Cyberspace shopping experience.A-World Yellow Pages
We put the world at your fingertips.A&A Pacific Products Gallery
Gifts and Collectibles featuring Disney and Coke itemsTransportation Mall
Classified advertising for all types of vehicles. A to YThe Gift Gallery
Wonderful hand crafted gifts for all occassions.Submit Blaster or AniMagic
Right to Left SoftwareMagic Learning System
A company and product you can be proud to associate withBill's Stuff
Antiques, Collectibles, Records, Toys, and more!California Dental Institute for Continuing Education
Great Gift Ideas in framed reproduction oil paintings
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get MY Products or Services ADDED to one of the Malls?
How do I get MY electronic Mall ADDED to LINK-of-Malls?
How do I send you some comments or QUESTIONS?
Inclusion of a site in the above list does not necessarily mean endorsement of the site, its products or services.
Personal Home Page Directories by Country
Canada Personal Home Page DirectoryGermany Personal Home Page Directory
United Kingdom Personal Home Page Directory
United States Personal Home Page Directory
Other Countries (over 165 countries)
(such as Australia, China, France, Hungary, Ireland, Jamaica, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Yugoslavia, etc.)
Produced by The Galileo Group Inc.